I have only watched one episode of Malcolm in the Middle. It was Season 6, Episode 10: “Billboard” which first aired on February 13, 2005 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0640287/). Continue reading
Monthly Archives: November 2012
Steven Performing
This gallery contains 13 photos.
Steven vs. The Real World
This gallery contains 3 photos.
After college, and probably for the next decade, Steven had a very different focus. He was still trying to figure out who he wanted to be. These pictures were from that time period.
Seasons of Love
Steve loved writing songs, loved performing them for people and loved making this album. We had been in the process of finishing it and getting it ready for release when he went missing. Sharing his music and positivity with the world is what Steve wanted most. I think this album represents his love for the world and he would want everyone to have it.
Star Shine Productions: Artist Development
Steven Marchi, a self-taught musician, singer/songwriter was raised with a passion and love for music. He was attracted to the edgy simplicity of rockers such as Tom Petty, but was fully drawn in when he heard the songs of one particular lyrical genius for the first time; the man’s name was Jim Croce. These songs nestled in Steven Marchi for years until 1997 when he began writing his own songs. From then on, his pursuit of listening to a variety of music and writing in deep thought became his way of expression. Continue reading
Steven Marchi In Production
-The Wizard of Oz
A childhood friend of ours shared the following observation with me. “He was a very good friend who I have always known and thought of as a good person with a kind heart and a desire to do well by others. In my experience he was never mean or spiteful or judgmental of others and that is not really all that common.”
His entire life, Steve sought to be recognized, accepted and appreciated. He would make a plan, find a group of friends to build that stage of his life around, and try to achieve his goal. During that time, the network of friends would sustain him through those efforts. He gave freely in return for that. He has been described as being entirely selfless; he would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. As time passed with each group, he would come to the natural challenges that serve as tests and barriers to achieving dreams. Invariably his friends would, as his family had in the past, question the path, or offer advice. And then things would change. Steve didn’t take criticism very well. Even if you didn’t question his goal, if you challenged the manner in which he was pursuing it, he backed away. Time and again throughout his life, I watched him treat those questions as betrayals. He would pack up and move on, resurfacing months or even years later in a new group, with a new plan in place. Each time he moved, he rebuilt that life around himself. He found loving, supportive people, and he touched their lives in the process. And they supported. And they accepted. But ultimately, they questioned … and he moved on. If there is one tragic footnote to my brother’s life, it would be this: he never realized that he had already found the acceptance he craved – repeatedly. Over and over, time and time again, he rebooted his life and recreated his perfect world, and then ran away from it when it threatened to engulf him in questions, doubt or commitment. I don’t believe my brother ever understood the extent to which he touched people’s lives. I don’t believe he ever recognized the depth of the love and concern he brought out in people. He wanted unconditional acceptance, and never understood that the world doesn’t work that way.
Maybe Steve had it right though. Maybe that’s why he found such ready acceptance time and again. There was something in his message that people recognized; perhaps even something they wished was true.
Crash Course
Reprinted from The World According To Mike, circa 1990
There’s nothing quite like downhill skiing. The wind in your face. The sound of your skis swooshing through powder. The feeling of control as you glide over the pristine white landscape… Okay, maybe not the feeling of control…how about the illusion of control. Continue reading
Freudian Strip
My brother is a dancer. No, actually he’s an exotic dancer. Well, okay…he’s a stripper. Hey! somebody’s got to do it. Anyway, this form of work, coupled with his rather quirky personality combine to produce no end of anecdotal material. My parents don’t exactly approve of his chosen profession. They would like to see him involved in a job that had a little more security, and medical benefits would be nice as well. Steve doesn’t want to do anything that involves receiving a steady paycheck, or would require him to stay in one place for too long. Continue reading
“Hello My Brothah!”
Much of my adult relationship with Steven took place over the telephone. Those conversations provided me with some of the most enduring memories of the person Steve was becoming. We were definitely at different places in our lives, and this dichotomy provided most of the energy that made these stories stand out. Continue reading