His Memory

On August 12, 2011, pushed back from his laptop, grabbed his wallet and his keys, and told his roommate that he was running out for a little while.  That little while stretched into days, then weeks, then months.  He was eventually found, and the tale of his disappearance was as unique as his life up until that point.

After nearly six months of holding our breaths, we finally received confirmation that Steven had indeed been found.  By that time most of us realized he was gone, but the University of North Texas had the final say.

His remains have been donated to the university’s forensics department so they could help train future forensics students.

To date there has been no memorial service.

There will be no grave to visit.

This site is all we have.

If any of you would like to add a final note to Steven, then you have two options.  The first is to add a brief note to the comments section below.  Notes are moderated, and I will approve your message as soon as I review it.  Secondly, if you feel you have more to say than would fit in a few sentences, then I encourage you to please contact me, and I will help add your message to this site as a separate page.

  • In Memorium – Messages from Steven’s Friends and Loved Ones

36 thoughts on “His Memory

  1. Steve was my uncle, I grew with him being a huge part of my life and I wanted my children to know the same man I once did. I hadn’t seen him in a few years but what I remember of him fills my heart with joy and laughter. He always inspired me to be a better person and for that I am grateful. He will be always be in my heart and always on my mind. He will forever be missed by my family

  2. I sit here in tears, I can’t tell if they are sadness or joy at knowing we finally know the body found was Steven. I worked so hard to find him…..thinking that there was no way a sweet person could just disappear. Over this year I lost another friend to suicide, another one with a bright smile that left me not understanding, questioning….all I know is they are both somehow at peace. I wish I could find that with all that happened but I am still having to try. I can say that in all of this, I became friends with varying people all over the county that all loved him so much. Steven, I miss your music and smile. You are an angel above us. Love Kimberly

  3. I know you are smiling down on us, very special person, I could feel this every time we met. Peace be with you love…..

  4. I am so pleased that this website was created. It gives us all a chance to express our sorrow but also our love. Steven always treated me as if I was important and valued. He was a big hugger and not shy about greeting friends with a big kiss. I remember how talented he was writing his own songs and singing them with such confidence. I remember him singing at Smith’s Olde Bar like it was yesterday… singing songs about love and life.. the mysteries surrounding his death bring a shadow over his memory but I am hoping that with time and healing memories of his life will outshine our grief..

  5. Steve you were the 1st person to befriend me at college. You taught me how to relate to people outside my peer group. (Bikers, druggies & drunks) You showed me how to live. To this day I am thankful to you brother, you showed me a world that I never thought I could be a part. You motivated me to achieve my dreams, to look outside my circumstances and to rise above them. You gave me a new way to look at life….nothing is impossible if your willing to step out of the boat in faith. You made me want to be a better person Steve & I love you & I always will. RIP dear brother.

  6. How we met was unexpected, but we talked for hours about life, love and goals. And every time we saw each other we kept each other posted about those aspects. The last time I saw you you blessed me with your cd and for the life of me, I cannot find it. Strange.

    You were one the most kind warm-spirited person I know. You will be missed.

  7. I wrote this poem in memory of Steve– and I’d like to share it on this post.
    Winn Park is one of my favorite spots in Atlanta– and it immediately came to mind when I composed this piece. This little poem represents, at least for myself, Steve’s depth of spirit, grace and joy– here on earth and in worlds beyond.

    Winn Park
    (in memory of Steven Marchi)

    A narrow stream– unassuming and unbound–
    spills humbly from a hill just off the street.

    It is a slope designed with broken stones,
    but, in its way, it makes me feel complete.

    From this, it flows—until, at once, it meets the softly yielding ground.

    It is but a rivulet always rushing on– strong and cold and pure.
    And for myself, the lonesome visitor, it is a quest– a blessing and a cure.

    I come here when I want to rest or write some words to share.

    The stream is music. I am rhyme.
    And here, beneath the trees– and with the trill of birds—
    we make the perfect pair.

    Beside me, in the grass, there hides a polished stone.
    Above, so far above, there waits a faithful star.
    And there, between the two, I seem to see
    the taut and slender strings of a guitar.

    They vibrate and they hum until the strumming fills the air.

    And as the evening comes, I see it shining there.
    It glistens and it winks and it tells me it is mine.
    A narrow, ever winding, boundless stream!

    It is the place where I can stop to think or pause to dream.
    And so, in sleep, I drink from this—as sweet and rich as wine.

    And every blade of grass, so perfect and so small,
    for me, becomes a sort of shepherd’s staff, a lightning rod.
    Each one– a random miracle…
    an accidental masterpiece created by a wise and playful God.

    — Alan Sugar

    • I only just saw “A.M.A.N. and what an amazing person he seemed to be. Your words made me weep yet again after finding out his beautiful soul left this earth. My prayers go out to his family and to the amazing friends he has. I wish I could have had one of his hugs. I know he is Resting In Paradise! To his S/O my heart weeps for you. I have lost 2 loves. I hope you have healed and loved again. My choice was to never love again. I’m 58 and alone with my memories, they keep me going. I wish you peace.

  8. Sad Day. Something tapped me on the shoulder today and said googel Steven Marchi. I was saddened to learn that my old friend, workout partner, college friend had left us all. Many fun memories at WIU, dancing, working out and just talking about life. One evening I told Steve to just go out to the club wearing blue jeans and without all the hair mousse and just relax and be himself and have fun. I watched him have the best night of his life as he told me. I was hoping to catch up and share our lives but that was not to be. Bless Steve and his family for he was a very loving and talented individual and i wish we all had him with us to share laughs and our lives. Thank you for this website and allowing me to remember him. He will never be forgotten.

  9. At 6am this morning, suffering from jet lag, I came across an old address book with Steve’s name, address (at the time) and phone number and decided to do a quick search on social media (he was always a social guy) to reconnect with him and was horrified to hear what happened. Like Mike, I remember Steve as a kid who would visit Iron River (UP of Michigan where I grew up) from the big windy city. I remember that Steve and Mike would visit my big brother Nathan at his house. Later, I would visit him as an entertainer (although I refused to dance) in Illinois in the early/mid 90s. Steve, always a wandering tumbleweed would come to visit me in Atlanta for a month or so at a time, where we would hit the bars for chicks and he would suck on cranberry juice as he was always into some fitness craze. The last time I saw him was in 2003 after my twin boys were born. He stayed at my house for about a month. After that, we moved to Saudi Arabia (oil work) and lost touch again, as always happens with Steve. You will be missed as you always added a bit of spark and uncertainty to all those you touched.

  10. Steve, I never met you. Never heard of you until today. Just saw your movie….and I miss you very much already. I’m sure you’re making Heaven a happier place!

  11. I had met Steven when I was living in Indianapolis. He had become a good friend helping me with my migraines through his massage training and then with personal training. Steven was such an incredibly beautiful spirit with the largest smile and laugh that absolutely filled a room. At that time he was a nanny to a set of triplets and to see him with these kids was a beautiful site. Steven was one of the most giving, positive, and kind person I had ever met. I was very saddened to hear of his death. Steven we will miss you my friend……..

  12. Baruch dayan ha’emet
    I never met Steve but just listening to him, I can tell what a awesome young man, full of life, he was. Always caring for others, bringing happiness into their life. He was a brother, a mentor and a friend to many. May all that mourn his untimely departure, be comforted by the Holy One of Yisrael. Shalom Shalom to the Marchi family and friends. May his eternal memory be a blessing.

    Ariel Israel Ben-Zion

  13. I just watched the documentary featuring Steven, and obviously I never met the man, but there is no way that I believe that he would ever leave this earth voluntarily. God bless his family and all who loved him, and Godspeed to Steven. He truly seem like a Man Who Loved life, and was open to all the possibilities the world had to offer

  14. I just saw the movie….and was touched deeply by Steven’s beautiful spirit and soul. I was heartbroken to learn of his death at the end. I never knew him…but I can see he was dearly loved. Tonight I shed a tear for the great loss of Steven. Heaven is a better place, now he is there.

  15. I too just saw the documentary about Steven and was drawn to his beautiful spirit. His openness to everything that life had to offer and his peaceful, gentle demeanor were the pure highlight of that show. I was so drawn to his sweet philosophy and take on life, I gasped at the end credits when they announced his passing. And after reading these comments, I truly shed tears for all that knew and loved him, and then more for those of us that never got the chance to meet this man. Rest in sweet peace, and look down on your loved ones knowing how many lives you changed just by being you.

  16. Like several others, I saw the documentary he was in. I was shocked and saddened with the notification at the end. Googled more about Steven and came across this site. It is a beautiful tribute to your brother. May he always occupy a special place in your heart.

  17. Steven and I became friends over his music. I still play his cd and think of his kindness and loving spirit. I was thinking about him this week when visiting Atlanta. Hasn’t been the same.

  18. I too watched the documentary that featured Steven. It was my only awareness of him and his short life, and yet, his spirit moved me. The ending came as a surprise to me. Still, in that short time, he moved me, he taught me about myself and sent me on a new path… just when I needed it. I admire him and his outlook on our world. I wish him, and all those who knew him peace!

  19. What a beautiful and timeless tribute to your brother!
    As others above have said, I just watched the documentary in which Steven was a part. Irregardless that I never knew him, I feel a loss. What a beautiful man inside and out, with a spirit that is an inspiration to people that watch the film. My deepest condolences to all of his friends and family… As well as for all the people that never got to meet him. The world is a little less bright for him not being in it.

  20. Wow, such an amazing guy, who I never met but saw in his documentary he was in and about 1/2 hr into it and I already felt close to him like I knew him. Such a lovable guy with a great outlook toward life and his future. Its a shame that it was cut so short, but he must have really been needed elsewhere, may he rest in peace, my love to you and your family!

  21. I saw the documentary just last night. Only until the end of it did I learn Steven had disappeared shortly after the filming and his remains were located in TX. Of all the Performers reviewed, there just seemed to be a depth and compassion which seemed to exude from him. His chosen profession (or sideline) of being a nude male dancer just didnt seem to fit the persona of what I perceived to be such a warm, talented, intelligent, and well-spoken young man. But .. no judgement calls here. He was doing what he wanted to do. He explained that his dancing provided him ultimate flexibility to pursue his musical ambitions and he didn’t feel ashamed for making the money to afford him the ability to pursue his musical dream. His decision. I am so sorry for you and your family for his shocking departure from this life. I was truly saddened when I saw that at the end of the documentary. My sympathies.

  22. Michael this is such a beautiful tribute to your brother and you are a remarkable man to put this all together for Steven. I saw his movie last night and I was amazed at the words Steven shared with us all, his wisdom, he thoughts on life. It ripped at my heart, made me gasp, and made me cry when I read the ending. Definitely did not expect that in the least. My heart goes out to you, his family, his friends who will always feel his loss. From all the comments, he was obviously an Angel here on earth and now has gone on to another dimension where he must be an Angel there as well. So very sad to lose life so young. May he be at peace while rebel rousing up there in Heaven. May God Bless You all.

  23. Hoping they find the rest of the body. Found out about him from the film All Male, All Nude and the tribute they filmed for him there.

  24. I just finished watching the documentary that Steven was in. I was impacted by his beautiful spirit and positive philosophy in life. It contrasted so much with the other character who kept saying he was demeaned. Steven loved performing & entertaining and you could see the love coming from his essence. When the end came and it said what they were all doing after I thought oh I wonder what he is doing now and was shocked and burst into tears to hear about his disappearance. He was most certainly a light & a beautiful soul. I wish his music was available to stream since that was his passion. I am sure he would love it to be available online for those that loved him & others who saw him in the film. My best to his friends & family. He will forever be remembered for all those he touched with his energy. ❤️

  25. Just finished watching the documentary and everything about Steven made me smile. I loved his positive spin and the way he just seemed connected to everyone. I made a note of his name so I could check out his music and then the note at the end came up. My heart sank as I Googled this darling human that I had somehow already became attached to. As a mother I cannot imagine this happening with my child and my heart truly goes out to everyone connected to Steven.

    God bless.

  26. I met Steven in the early 90’s in Peoria, IL. I worked with his god parents at a local pizza restaurant. He was such a beautiful person inside and out.

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