Straighten Out or You’re Gonna Die!

Winter in Chicago was occasionally memorable.  There was the blizzard of  ’79, when I looked out my bedroom window to find a four-foot snow drift covering the flat-top roof of the carport.  We were out with snow shovels at two in the morning, clearing the roof.  Then finishing it up by jumping off the roof into the six-foot deep pile of snow.

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When the office phone rang on that late August afternoon, I didn’t think much of it.  I took one hand off the keyboard and brought the phone up to my ear, cradling it against between my head and shoulder then tried to resume the email I was typing.

“Hi, I’m with the <county> police department. Am I speaking to Michael Marchi?” 

I stopped typing.  “Yes. “

“Is your brother, Steven Marchi?” Continue reading